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Quartz Deposit Types and Application in Industry 

Quartz is one kind of framework-structured oxide mineral, it is the general name for α-quartz, (low-temperature quartz, trigonal system) and β-quartz (high-temperature quartz, hexagonal system).

Quartz is the main mineral component of many rocks, such as granite and gneiss, it is a very important rock-forming mineral. Natural quartz, through process of crushing and classifying by using ball mill and air classifier, has a wide range of application in industry.  It is a very important industrial mineral.

Next, we will learn about quartz from two aspects: the types of industrial quartz deposits and industrial application.

1. Type of industrial quartz deposit

Quartz widely distributes in nature. At present, there are mainly seven types of quartz deposit in industry: natural crystal, quartz sandstone, quartzite, vein quartz, pink quartz, natural quartz sand and granite quartz.

Natural crystal

Natural crystal is a colorless and transparent quartz crystal mineral, its main component is SiO2. Natural crystal widely distributes in our country, but the deposits and reserves are small.

Quartz sandstone

Quartz sandstone is a consolidated sandy rock. The content of quartz and siliceous debris is usually above 95%, and the accessory minerals are mostly feldspar and clay minerals, such as kaolinite, illite, and montmorillonite.

Ⓒ Quartzite

Quartzite is a metamorphic rock formed by regional metamorphism or thermal contact metamorphism of quartz sandstone or other siliceous rocks. Compared with quartz sandstone, its ore is denser and harder.

Vein quartz

Vein quartz is formed by the hot water solution of SiO2 secreted from underground magma filling and precipitating in the cracks of rocks. It has a dense blocky structure. The mineral composition of vein quartz is almost entirely quartz. Vein quartz deposits are generally small in scale with irregular veins. A mining area can be composed of one vein or multiple veins.

Pink quartz

Pink quartz is natural powdered quartz with extremely fine particles and high silicon dioxide content. It is mainly formed by the weathering, decomposition and deposition of siliceous parent rock.

Natural quartz sand

Natural quartz sand is a sand-like quartz mineral, its main mineral component is quartz, forming by long-term weathering of parent rocks, such as granite, quartzite, quartz sandstone and vein quartz. The associated minerals of natural quartz include feldspar, rock fragments, mica, clay minerals and heavy minerals, such as zircon, tourmaline, ilmenite and amphibole.

Granite Quartz

Granite quartz is an acidic igneous rock, it is mainly composed of quartz, feldspar and a small amount of mica. The main components of granite include quartz, feldspar and mica. Quartz is one of the most important components of granite, it is with high hardness and high temperature and corrosion resistance.

2. Application of Quartz in Industry

At present, the annual consumption of various quartz mineral in our country is about 100 million tons. In industry, quartz has a wide application with huge consumption. We can use it to manufacture refractory materials, glass, ceramics and abrasive materials. With the rise and development of strategic emerging industries, the application scope of quartz in industry has greatly exceeded that of the past, especially in industries of electronic information, new materials and new energy. In addition, since quartz is the material basis of silicon industry, as well the raw material of key material stone for chip production, it is also one kind of strategic non-metallic mineral.

Before using in industry, natural quartz needs to be processed through crushing and grading. Here we have to mention grinding mill and classifying mill. The ball mill and air classifier fromQingdao Epic Powder Machinery Co., Ltd are suitable for quartz crushing and grading. The production line of ball mill and air classifier is an internationally cutting-edge non-mineral powder processing production line, it has high reputation among customers both home and abroad.

If you have any related needs or questions, please feel free to contact Qingdao Epic.

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